Oregon State University Extension Service

Strategic Impact (2015)

Dustin Johnson

Dustin Johnson is an associate professor in the Animal and Rangeland Sciences department. Since 2007, Dustin has been out there…way, way out there…in beautiful Southeast Oregon, where he provides highly effective leadership, working closely with our agricultural and natural resource clientele to address some of the most pressing needs of the region. Dustin took the lead in developing and delivering the OSU Cooperative Rangeland Monitoring Program, working in a highly successful partnership with his Extension colleagues, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service.

And Southeast Oregon’s birds are glad he’s there, too. Dustin led the development of the Greater Sage-grouse Programmatic Candidate Conservation Agreement providing grouse with 1.2 million acres of habitat on private lands in Harney County. He co-authored the ecosystem-based approach to sage grouse conservation in collaboration with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, as well as developing a system for habitat assessment and monitoring. The birds may not understand the science, management, and collaboration that Dustin and his partners put into it, but they’re loving it!

For his work on these significant community needs and more, we are delighted to recognize Dustin Johnson with this Strategic Impact Award.

Source URL: https://engagement.oregonstate.edu/strategic-impact-2015

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